Neural Therapy - For Scars, Pain, And Injuries


Neural Therapy has been widely used in Europe since the early 1940's and developed into a safe and effective tool with minimal negative effects. It is used in treating a wide variety of conditions through using injections into nerve sites, acupuncture points, scars, muscle trigger points and other tissues to relieve pain and dysfunction throughout the body.


Neural REFERS TO Nerves

Nerves need to be able to be triggered when needed, but not too quickly, for optimal body function to occur. The autonomic nervous system controls many body functions such as heart rate, digestion, sweating, breathing, and blood flow rates. When a nerve is impeded, then the regulation of it's connected body parts is compromised. This can result in poor function, pain, disease, and disability. The purpose of neural therapy is to unblock the interference to normal functioning by using injections into the specific areas of disturbance. The injections often contain homeopathic medicines, local anesthetic such as procaine, or vitamins such as B12. The sites of injection are determined by your history of trauma, location of symptoms, and connected dysfunctional areas.

Any stress on the body, whether physical, psychological or toxic, will activate the nervous system and create what is referred to as “a fight or flight response”. This could be the result of a car accident, surgery, emotional distress, fear, toxic exposure or any threat or perceived threat to life or person. In an ideal healing response, once the stress is removed, the nervous system should reset itself. Unfortunately, for many people the modern stresses are so great and continuous, there may be no chance for the body to return itself to normal and heal as a result. A local area then becomes locked into a constant fight or flight state and can for many years interfere with the normal nervous system regulation in the body. A very common example of this would be an MVA with a whiplash injury.


How does it Work?

Specific homeopathic preparations, chelating agents, vitamins and/or local anesthetics are used in the injection solution. The homeopathic medicine is specific for the area being treated, whether it is for organ tissue, nerve, muscles and joints or trauma. An injected anesthetic will cause a nerve to be numbed by changing the positive and negative charges on the membrane of the nerve tissue so that no sensation can be passed along such as when your lips become numb after a visit to the dentist. In neural therapy the intention is not to anaesthetize or numb the nerve, but rather to change the membrane potential temporarily, with the expectation that when the anesthetic wears off, the membrane charges and nerve function will return to normal. Think about how your computer occasionally is overloaded with too many programs running and windows open. It begins to malfunction, running slowly and freezing up. Usually the first thing you do is shut everything down and reboot the computer. After that it will work fine again. In the same way Neural Therapy is like rebooting the “body computer”, the autonomic nervous system, to reset regulation and normalize function. Homeopathic medicines assist in the local healing response.


Conditions Treated by Neural Therapy

Neural therapy helps to regulate the nervous system and helps with cellular functioning, so it can have a positive benefit on many conditions, which may include:

  • Back and neck pain

  • Chronic pain from whiplash and head injuries

  • Digestive disturbances

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Jaw and head pain

  • Joint pain, muscular pain, and athletic injuries

  • Muscular injuries

  • Organ dysfunction

  • Post-surgical pain (including dental)

  • Post-traumatic conditions

  • Scar-tissue

  • Sinusitis of all types


Scar Therapy 

Scar tissue is a common cause of disturbed communication between cells and organs.  Any scar whether a small one from a childhood fall, from dental surgery or a major post surgical scar will prevent with surrounding tissue from being able to communicate properly. A scar has an electric charge about five times that of normal skin and can disrupt nerve flow. Scars that cross acupuncture meridian channels can block energy to those related organs and body parts.

A scar will hold injured or cut fascia, muscles and skin together, but it is not as flexible as the original tissue, so the underlying tissues cannot move as freely. George Goodheart D.C. uses the following analogy: “If someone pulls down hard on the left side of the shirt you are wearing, it makes it more difficult for you to raise your left arm. Treating your left arm would do little to relieve the decreased range of motion of your arm as long as the tension is exerted on your shirt. Loosening the tension on your shirt hem, however, does effectively produce a marked increase in the range of motion of your left arm because you are getting to the cause of your problem and fixing it.” The treatment of scars with neural therapy, even decades old ones, has consistently been an important factor in increasing mobility, reducing pain and improving movement and function.


Trigger Point InjectionS for Pain

Frequently a major component of chronic pain is tight, contracted or spastic muscle that is resistant to stretch, massage or mobilization therapies. Muscles are held in contraction by nerve impulses to the local neuromuscular junctions. The result is that perpetual inappropriate impulses cause a continuous muscle contraction. By injecting the affected neuromuscular trigger point, it is possible to break the ongoing pattern of spasm, allowing muscle to release and eventual return to normal function.


For more information please book a FREE 10 minute consultation with Dr. Della at her office in beautiful Victoria, BC. To book with Dr. Della see the "Book Appointment" button below!